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What are the different roles and which one to choose?
Roles in lemwarm let you decide what level of access a user can have in your account. You can choose from the following roles and permission sets.
Understand the different permission settings for users in lemlist
Admin = can access everything in each accounts he's a part of and gets exclusive access to the cockpit menu.
Member = can access everything except the entire billing section. A member can'( invite nor kick any other user in or from the team nor changes his own role or any other user's role.
Extern = cannot do anything except access the report of his own team account, but only if he was allowed password-less login when invited.
How to choose roles and or change them
👉 You can either chose it from the get go while inviting a new usr in your team:
When you're inviting a new user in your team from your Cockpit > Team then click on Invite users and a pop-up window will open allowing you to invite new users inside your team.
From there you can either chose to invite a "regular" user as an admin or member:
Or choose to create an extern user instead:
💡 Note that when you want to invite new users as admins/members, you can do so in bulk.
👉 If you made a mistake in the role during the invitation process, you can change it later on from your Cockpit:
Go yo your Cockpit > Team
Find the user for which you're interested in changing the role
Then select the new role you'd like to give them:
💡 Important: note that a user that is an extern cannot be changed to a member role nor admin. You'll have to remove that user from the team and re-invite them with the appropriate role you'd like for them.
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lemlist and its partners use cookies (or similar technology) to measure and analyse how our platform is used and to show ads based on your interests. By clicking "Accept", you agree to the above. You can change your preferences at any time in the Cookie Settings from the footer. For more info, check our Cookies Policy and Privacy Policy.
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We need to measure events on this website. Why? Kinda like counting calories to have a good line.
No boring ads chasing you all over the internet. Interesting and relevant stuff, we promise.
If you’re interested in the content of this website, we would love to stay connected on your social networks.
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