Writing quality cold emails is hard.
You can spend hours on a single email only to find that no prospect cares.
But what if there was a tool that critiqued your cold emails and let you know when and where you made mistakes?
Well, we’ve just created a tool that does just that.
Oh, and did anyone say it’s free!?
Check out our Cold Email Audit tool below. ⬇️
Our Cold Email Audit tool takes some guesswork out of cold emailing.
It will alert you of any typical cold email mistake you make.
Use the cold email audit on any cold email you write to boost your ROI.
Here it is:
And here’s how to use it:
Step1: Add the email you want to test to the form. Remember to include a subject line.
Step 2: Hit the “Launch audit” button.
After waiting for a little bit, your results will appear.
Let’s take a closer look at the Cold Email Audit tool results:
Using the Cold Email Audit tool does not guarantee email outreach success.
But because it alerts you to common outreach mistakes, it removes some of the manual work of checking your copy against these typical errors.
Use it on any cold email you write to get to a highly converting cold email faster.