Technical setup

How to Set Up MX records on Cloudflare - Step-by-Step Instructions

April 16, 2024
7 min.

Setting up MX records is crucial for receiving replies.

Without MX records, email servers have no idea where to send your receiving emails.

Not having MX records also prevents your domain authentication records (SPF, DKIM, etc.) from functioning correctly, leading to more of your emails landing in spam.

In other words, if you’re doing email outreach, you need to set up your MX records.

Here’s how to set up an MX record on Cloudflare.

While setting up an MX record may seem technical, anyone can do it once they know how.

Setting Up an MX Record on Cloudflare 📝

💡 These instructions are for people who host their domain on Cloudflare and want to set up an external email service to receive (and send) emails. If Cloudflare is your domain registrar only, you probably have your domain's name servers pointing to your hosting account. If that’s the case, you must set up your MX record in your hosting account.

Step 1: ➡️ Get your MX record(s) from your email service provider

Step 2: ➡️ Log in to your Cloudflare account

Step 3: ➡️ Select your domain

Step 4: ➡️ Click DNS

Step 5: ➡️ Go to Add Record

Step 6: ➡️ Choose MX as the Type

Step 7: ➡️ Add @ to the Name field

Step 8: ➡️ Add your MX record to the Mail Server field

Step 9: ➡️ Add the priority to your record. Your ESP will tell you what priority to use.

After setting up an MX record, the changes may take up to 48 hours to propagate fully. However, in many cases, your record will be ready within several hours of setting it up.

Congrats on Setting Up Your MX Record! 🎉

Setting up your MX record on Cloudflare is a straightforward process that guarantees you’ll actually receive your replies.

These replies are where conversion happens, so you don’t want to miss them!

By following the steps above, you can ensure that won’t happen.

Should you encounter any difficulties, ask Cloudflare support.


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